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The Club is interested in scheduling and hosting tournaments, leagues or structured events. It also holds regular practice sessions, often have a coach and have an organized game schedule.

The Sport Club allows students to participate in sports and compete with other colleges and universities. It also encourages regional and national events. Sport clubs is formed so the participants in each sport club can learn new skills, improve existing skills, potentially engage in competition, and enjoy recreational and social fellowship. Other features of the Sport Club Program that make it unique are: self-motivation, self-administration, self-support and self- regulation.


With a view to develop the all-round personality of the students, the College emphasizes as much on sports as on academics. The College encourages students to attain sporting excellence and provides all the necessary facilities and equipment to the students for maintaining physical fitness and good health.

The College offers an extensive range of sports and fitness classes throughout the academic session. Qualified staff and trainers deliver programs for the Students.  There are separate coaches for all the games who groom the students and train them rigorously to compete at national level. All the games have equipment of International standards which is accessible to all the students. The infrastructure has been designed with good facilities for sports as well as recreational activities.